3 Essential Things every Baby Needs
There is often huge panic that kicks in right after letting the fact that you are expecting a child sink in. Once you get past the whole “will I be a good parent” phase and do enough research to feel confident that you will be able to handle things just fine, a more serious issue comes to mind. You’ll need a baby room and a whole lot of different items ready before the baby is born.
The good news is that you have several months to get things ready, which leaves you enough time to save up some money and get everything done. While there is plenty to think about, there are a few essentials that everyone expecting a newborn must have. The same way you must think about your health, you should also consider what must be prepared for the little visitor. With the items listed here, you’ve covered over 90% of the baby’s needs for the first year of his or her life.
1. A good crib
A crib needs to be well-built and safe for the baby. You’ll find that most good cribs are of solid construction, made out of hardwood, and have a comfortable mattress. There are many different types, and some offer great functionality, e.g. a combination crib and changing station, or convertible cribs that can be turned into a couch or bed after the baby grows up and can accommodate toddlers easily. It’s an important investment, so don’t try to cut any corners.
2. Plenty of diapers
Newborn babies will go through about a dozen diapers in a day, and while older babies don’t tend to poop as much, you can expect them to pee quite a lot, going through 4–6 diapers a day. You should have a huge supply of disposable diapers on hand, and buying in bulk and looking for sales can help you save some money. Cloth diapers are a good one-time investment as they can be washed and reused for years and years — however, you’ll need about a dozen of them, and keeping them clean is a lot of work.
3. Changing stations
There are some cribs that are combined with a changing station, but you can also get a variety of portable and fixed changing stations, or make your own if you have some DIY skills. All you really need is a stable platform that is high enough for you to change the baby’s diaper without bending over uncomfortably, and a couple of drawers for diapers, baby powder and other supplies. It’s important to note that you’ll need is a portable changing station that can be rolled up and carried with you at all times.
While the list goes on and on, this will give you a good start in order to successfully prepare for your new-born. The road ahead of you is full of obstacles, but with a lot of patience, and a little bit of luck, you will have a healthy and beautiful baby to comfort you soon enough.