How to Drive More Traffic to Your Website
One of the most common business challenges that people face nowadays is the lack of traffic on their websites. This is a constant problem for many small businesses and if you don’t have any traffic, you won’t have any sales. It is very simple — the more traffic you have, the more customers you will attract. In this text, I will give certain advice on how new business owners and marketers can increase the amount of traffic on their blogs or websites. Some of the things mentioned will help with this problem instantly, while some of them will pay off in the long run.
Use social networks
Having a well-designed web site or blog with good content is just not enough. There is no point in having an amazing site if there is nobody to see it. You can’t expect that people will find your website just because you launched it online. You will have to take the matter in to your own hands and start promoting your website content through various social network media channels. One of the social networks you can use for this kind of action is Twitter. Twitter is most suitable for sharing short and catchy links, while you can use Facebook to create events and invite people to check out activities on your website. If your company’s main focus is on selling products and services online, you might be able to effectively increase traffic through image based social networks such as Instagram and Pinterest. By using social networks, the traffic increase comes over time, so don’t expect any instant results. The good thing about social networks is that the more traffic you have from them, the more you will get.
Use other websites to promote yourself
There are hundreds of websites that are waiting to promote you, your services and products free of charge until some of them refers a buying customer. How is this possible you ask? Quite simple. By using a thing called an associate (affiliate, re-seller) program. An associate program is a collaboration with other people called “affiliates”, who will promote your service or product. For each buyer, the affiliates refer to your blog or website you pay them a commission after the purchase has been made. This is a very good option for all young companies because there is basically no risk, given the fact that you only pay when you make money. An affiliate can automate your traffic generation by redirecting visitors to your website using banner ads, letters of referral, text links etc. Using special software, you can check these referrals and see how much people the affiliate is bringing to you. The important thing is to figure out what commissions work both for you and the affiliates so you can make money and keep them motivated. I suggest giving at least a 35 % commission of each sale to ensure a healthy business partnership.
Get your links to other high traffic sites
Many people don’t understand the amount of exposure they can get from other high traffic websites. Requesting a link on some other site is the easiest thing anyone can do, and it doesn’t require any money or time. Having your links on major sites can make the traffic number explode overnight. How do you accomplish this? If you get your business site to be a featured link on some high traffic website related to your industry you can benefit from all the attention that website has. When you are sending requests for links make sure that you contact the owner of the website directly. Make positive comments about their website and include your URL, you company’s info and your website.
Following this advice, you can easily increase your traffic without having to invest some serious cash. We have covered some of the options available, however you should read even more about this topic in order to understand these matters even further. Once you are getting results, make sure that your web hosting provider can cover the amount of traffic on your website. If the web hosting service cannot handle the traffic, then you will lose potential clients as they won’t be able to access your page and according to our friends from Altus Host, a big part of their clients come with rushed request because of a previous bad experience so don’t let that happen to you.