How to Protect Furniture While Renovating

Ivan Dimitrijevic
4 min readSep 26, 2013


Helpfull and usefull tips

Anyone who has ever been through the process of home renovation can undoubtedly vouch how easily it can go haywire. After having suffered through a number of suchlike projects, some people eventually come to believe that there is nothing they can do about the dust and debris spreading all over the place and they simply ignore it until the time for the final clean-up comes. There are many home renovation dos and don’ts, but when it comes to protecting one’s furniture, there is more than one option to choose from.

Cover It with Drop Cloths

Covering your furniture with drop cloths seems like the most logical choice, especially if you are on a tight budget. This method of furniture protection has proven to be effective to a certain extent. If you have a bunch of old cloths that are otherwise useless, the easiest way to go is to simply cover the furniture you wish to protect. However, there are certain disadvantages. For example, no matter how carefully you place the cloth there is a risk of it falling off the furniture. By the time you have noticed the problem, your precious antique coffee table may already be covered with dust. This, of course, is the least damage that could be caused during renovation. If you decide for drop cloths, make sure you do it properly.

Cover it with Plastic

The second option for furniture protection is, in a way, similar to the first one. The furniture remains in its place, but can be covered with plastic in order to remain undamaged. The up side to this version of protection is the fact that the furniture can be additionally protected if you simply tape the edges of the plastic you’re using to the floor. If you fail to do this, you might have to face the same issues you’d have to face if you were to use drop cloths.

Move It to another Room

Due to the lack of either drop cloths or plastic with which to protect their furniture, some people decide do work on one room at a time. This gives the opportunity to completely empty the room from all its furnishings, and makes it possible for the contractor to do the job without having to think about antique coffee tables. However, this solution also doubles the job. Bear in mind that you will be forced to carry around pieces of furniture much larger and much heavier than a coffee table. Also, when you are done with one room, you are forced to immediately bring the furniture back in, so that you can carry on with the renovation. This brings the risk of damaging the freshly painted walls, or the floors which you just had re-carpeted. If you do decide to go on with this sort of protection, make sure you pack and remove every tiny belonging of yours before the construction begins.

Put It in Storage

There are numerous reasons why most people decide to temporarily relocate their furniture into a storage facility. First of all, the stress of having the contractors do their job properly is enough to deal with. No one wants to think about whether the dust will affect the sofa in an undesired way. What better protection is there but to move the things that need protection out of the way? It is a huge stress relief both for you and for your contractors, bearing in mind that you enable them to move around the house freely and without fearing that they would damage something.

Of course, some people are not so keen on having their furniture shipped to a (relatively) unknown and distant destination. Naturally, most of us want to bring the furniture back in and be done with the whole renovation process as quickly and as painlessly as possible. With time efficiency as their main preoccupation, those people decide to hire portable storage units. This solution has proven to be quite efficient. The furniture is out of the way and yet at the reach of the hand. It does, however, require a lot of packing and pre-planning, but people who had done it swear it is worth the extra effort. The prices are also quite affordable, so the biggest issue of them all — the issue of budget — is not going to be such a big one.

In conclusion, I hope that you haven’t given up on the idea of renovating your home. The purpose of this article was to offer you some perspective on how to make it less stressful by not having to think about the damage your furniture might suffer in the process. Whichever option you decide to choose, stay positive and arm yourself with patience, because, you will have to deal with dust. But, the good thing is that you might not have to deal with it on your furniture.



Ivan Dimitrijevic

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