Steps You Need to Take After Being in a Car Accident
Accidents happen, even to those who are careful while driving. After you have been in a car accident, you may be stunned with shock, feeling dizzy, you might experience an adrenaline rush or feel rage towards the person who was responsible for the accident. This is why you have auto insurance, to protect both yourself and others, financially speaking.
What is the first thing you need to do after an accident? I will have to say, take a deep breath. That breath can help you shift from trauma to realizing what just happened and what you need to do next.
The process that follows after the accident is straightforward, but it does not have to be easy. This is why I have prepared these steps, so that you can prepare yourself and be able to handle the stressful aftermath of being in a car accident. You will also find out how you can start the process of making a claim efficiently and effectively, if there is a need for one.
Assess the Situation
After the accident, you need to immediately determine if anyone has been injured. If someone is, call 911 to get the police and the ambulance on the scene. But, even if no one has been injured, you need to call the police if some significant damage has been made or someone is acting confrontationally. Do not be afraid to call the police even if the accident was not too serious and everyone is cooperating, because this way, you will have an official report, which you can give to your insurance company.
Depending on the city, an officer might not be sent out if the accident is not serious. In this case, you will need to file your own report with the authorities. If the vehicles that were involved in the accident are still operational, move them off the main road. Make sure to use reflective emergency triangles to warn other vehicles that may come your way and, if it seems like there can be some danger of an explosion, move everyone out of the way.
Document Everything
Depending on the state, laws can vary on how much information you will need to give at the scene of the accident. You will need to provide your name and insurance information to other drivers that have been involved in the accident. You can use your smartphone to photograph the insurance card of other drivers and the damage made to the vehicles, because making these types of documents can only help you.
Even though other drivers don’t need to show you their driving license, ask them to confirm their identity. If the driver refused to do that, snap a photo of him while photographing the scene of the accident, so that they cannot claim that they weren’t involved. Never say that the accident was your fault, even if you believe it was.
Decide If You Will File a Claim
If the accident was indeed your fault and the damage seems minor, it can be tempting to offer cash for repairs, but this can, in the end, turn out to be more costly than you originally thought. There are some insurance companies that offer “accident forgiveness”, meaning that an accident that has happened by your fault will not result in a high premium. If you do not have this option, prepare to receive a premium rate that can last up to three years.
If the accident is not your fault, the insurance of the other driver should come forward, and investigate whether their client was at fault. Then, you will need to give a repair estimate and receive a rental car until your car is fixed. All medical costs should also be covered.
Even just surviving a car accident will make you feel like you have won, but you should not let the post-crash shock distract you from taking care of other things concerning the scene of the accident and dealing with those insurance issues. Make sure to always be prepared, stay calm and focus on what is important; in this case, your health. This is a delicate situation, so manage it with extreme care.